A mosaic of media features, mentions, and appearances adding perspective to add to independent and mainstream media outlets alike.
• CNN Travel: Considering leaving the US for good? Here’s what to think about before you move abroad
• Reuters: Ola de Calor Buenos Aires
A widely decimated clip around Latin America on a day of record-breaking heat. I give advice for keeping cool and talk about the need to cover up so that I don’t get skin cancer.
A foreigner with a funny accent is always good for news clips.
• Times Radio U.K.
Upon the death of Diego Maradona, I was asked to provide a report on the reaction on the ground here in Argentina. There were five clips of mine used throughout the program, but unfortunately they did not say my full name or give my business a plug as they did with the two male interviewees.
Work Profiles
Digital Nomad Blog, Freedom is Everything
How Ande Wanderer Left the US and Never Looked Back
South American Living
‘Expat’ Interview South American Living
Online Video Interviews
Intoconnection is subsidiary of the Dutch company, Samhound Media which aims to connect people from around the globe with interesting content via their video platform. They aapproached me to come up with a couple of ideas of interesting Argentina topics and subsequently appear on the videos as an interviewee via Skype.
Lose Weight And Get Energetic With Argentina’s #1 Drink
The first video we did was on Argentina’s most beloved morning beverage, mate tea. In the pre-interview I had shared with them how I lost weight when I moved to Argentina, perhaps in part due to trading in my coffee cup for a mate gourd.
At this point, I had lived in Argentina long enough that my chubbier incarnation was ancient history, so I didn’t realize how much they wanted to focus on the weight loss aspect.
But it’s true — it’s proven to help people lose weight and it’s full of nutrients, antioxidants and ‘modifies cells in the obese state’ one study concluded.
I read through every single study published by medical journals while working on my comprehensive Wander Argentina article about yerba mate, and can guarantee it is one of the world’s healthiest vices.
‘Puertas Cerradas’: Closed Door Restaurants of Buenos Aires
Puertas Cerradas are underground restaurants hosted in private homes or gardens. After Argentina’s turn-of-the-century economic crisis, restaurants struggled to survive.
To garner income, both professional and amateur chefs took advantage of Argentina’s relative lawlessness to host unregulated dining experiences in secret locations.
Although they operate without health inspections, permits or liquor licenses and obviously only take cash, they are sought out by in-the-know visitors to Buenos Aires.
Argentinian Sex Hotels Are As Popular As Football
Many foreigners who come to Argentina are intrigued by its telos or sex hotels, rented in two or three hour periods.
They are popular with young people who live with their parents, cheaters and even married couples looking to spice up things up.
Not surprisingly due to the topic, this chaste interview was one of Intoconnection’s most popular videos.
Geobeats — Video Host
Geobeats, was featured as the Daily Mail’s ‘Website of the Week’ in 2009. These videos were eventually syndicated to MSN Travel and MSN.com videos.
The Evita Museum, Buenos Aires
A video I hosted on the Evita Museum in honor of Juan Domingo Perón’s first wife, who embraced the working class and ushered in the women’s right to vote in 1947 (!). Better late, than never!
The Theater Scene in Buenos Aires
A video about the lively theater scene in Buenos Aires featuring an interview with actor and director, José María Muscari.
Street Food in Buenos Aires
Join me as I head to the Costanera Sur on a Sunday to pig out on Argentine street food. Featured are choripán (sausage sandwich), and torta de ricota (ricotta cheesecake) and pasta frola (jam tart).
MALBA Museum, Buenos Aires -Argentina Travel Guide
A video featuring the Latin American Art Museum of Buenos Aires (MALBA), which contains one of South America’s premiere collections of 20th century art.
Penguin Watching in Patagonia
This video at Punta Tombo penguin reserve was the producer Ginger’s favorite. We were super rushed as we drove from Puerto Madryn and shot this video and had to immediately return. Ginger kindly lent me her camera so that I could shoot another video before heading back along the unpaved road to Madryn.
Travel Patagonia, Argentina: Punta Loma Sea Lion Reserve
The amazing Punta Loma Sea Lion Reserve in Chubut, Argentina allows visitors to observe a huge colony of sea lions from 100 meters above.
Patagonia Travel: Welsh Tea Time in Gaiman
In this video we stop in the Patagonia town of Gaiman, Chubut. The Welsh came here to escape oppression of the British and their culture is still alive and well here. Cymru am byth!
Whale Watching in Patagonia, Argentina
An amazing (and chilly) shoot we did watching whales in Patagonia, arranged with the help of my darling friend Sanda, who is a whale watching guide in Piramides.
Scuba diving in Patagonia
When most people think of Patagonia, they imagine tall peaks, wild animals and glaciers, not scuba diving. My old pal ‘Pablo the pajaro,’ who is a professional diver, introduced me to Francisco, who lives and dives in Puerto Madryn.
Buenos Aires: Top Local Phrases
A video highlighting the top local phrases in Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Buenos Aires Travel, Puerto Madero
A video on Buenos Aires successful urban development initiative, the neighborhood of Puerto Madero. Buenos Aires’ newest neighborhood features the Puenta de la Mujer (Women’s Bridge) and all the streets are named after notable women in Argentina’s history. I conduct a brief interview with a passer-by named Federico.
Travel Argentina- Milhouse Hostel in Buenos Aires
A shoot we did highlighting Milhouse hostel, one of the largest and most popular hostels in Buenos Aires known for its raucous party scene and ‘Millhouse Marriages.’
Patagonia, Argentina Travel – Driving and Sightseeing in Patagonia
Here I am driving in Patagonia. It worked out well, because my friend Ginger, who produced these videos, is a New York kid and doesn’t drive a standard. I happily served as the driver as well as the on-camera host on this Patagonia trip.
I learned to drive on a standard, and I still prefer them to automatics, especially for the kind of terrain you encounter in Patagonia. A couple of decades later, I’m pretty sure I’m to blame for my dad having to take blood pressure medication. He taught me how to drive in downtown Atlanta and I grinded the hell out of the gears on his beloved old beamer. I did try to pay it forward by later teaching two of my friends to drive on my 5-speed Honda Civic.
There is more information about driving and renting a car in Argentina on Wander Argentina.
Travel Buenos Aires, Top Attractions
A video featuring some of the top attractions in Buenos Aires, including the Plaza de Mayo, Mataderos, Recoleta, La Boca and San Telmo.
At 1:11 you see Ascho, who I’ve dubbed the ‘Godfather of Plaza Dorrego’. If you want to see what a character he is, read my interview with Ascho.
Learn about Argentine Wine Varieties
Another quick and dirty video we did with our friendly neighbors at Rincón de Quesos, a wine shop in San Telmo, Buenos Aires
The Legendary Bauen Hotel
A video on the Bauen Hotel in downtown Buenos Aires. This iconic hotel has a back story most porteños know — it was overtaken by the workers in 2003 and has been self-managed ever since.
Its cafe and lobby serve as gathering place for workers’ rights groups and other leftists political factions. I never featured the hotel on Wander Argentina, as we found it outdated and a bit musty, but it is a worthwhile spot for those interested in labor rights who want to be in the thick of the action. They also occasionally good parties in the basement.
While we were filming here, we were told Argentine rocker, Charlie Garcia (think an Argentine Frank Zappa) was holed up doing drugs and hiding from the press in one of the rooms.
Buenos Aires, Places to Stay, Art Deco Hotel
A video we did on the Art Deco Hotel, which is near the Obelisco in downtown Buenos Aires. This one has an obvious goof — check out my fake typing!